International Scientific Conference
Interaction Between Science and
Technology in Modern Conditions
November 3–4, 2022
Riga, the Republic of Latvia
Scientists, postgraduate students, students of higher education and research institutions, as well as practitioners who are actively engaged in culture and art research are invited to participate in the international conference.
ISMA University of Applied Sciences with support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation. |
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Romans Djakons,, Professor, Academician, President of ISMA University of Applied Sciences. |
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Form of participation: distant. Persons who are interested in participation in the international conference should send the following documents to Organising Committee before October 31, 2022 (inclusively):
- fill an application form;
- send the abstracts to Organising Committee: The title of a file should meet surname of a speaker indicating Abstracts – for abstracts.
The title of a file should meet surname of a speaker indicating Application – for application form, Abstracts – for abstracts. For example: Shevchenko_Abstracts.
- Information systems and technologies
- Applied mechanics
- Materials science
- Industrial engineering
- Aviation, rocket and space equipment
- Shipbuilding
- Metallurgy
- Electric power engineering, electric engineering and electromechanics
- Power engineering
- Nuclear power engineering
- Heat power engineering
- Hydropower engineering
- Automation and tool engineering
- Chemical technologies and engineering
- Biological technologies and bioengineering
- Electronics and telecommunications
- Food technologies
- Technologies of consumer goods industry
- Environmental technologies
- Architecture and construction
- Transport
- General issues of engineering sciences
All conference participants will be provided with an electronic collection of abstracts and a certificate of participation authenticated by a seal. Participants of the conference will have an opportunity to present the collection of abstracts and certificate as evidence of participation in the international conference that took place in the EU country.
Each conference participant receives an electronic certificate with the volume of skill enhancement (15 hours – 0.5 ECTS credit).
DOI will be assigned for each abstract from the conference’s collection of abstracts, enabling authors to find their scientific work at the website of Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), which was developed by the specialists of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine by order of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine. The collection will be awarded with ISBN (International Standard Book Number) by European publishing house “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”.
Certificate is a document confirming participation in the activities of a scientific conference (congress, symposium, and workshop) that took place in the EU country according to paras. 7.4 Section 2 of the Procedure for awarding degrees to academic staff approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 14, 2016, № 13.
A collection of conference abstracts will be available on an open platform of the European publisher “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”.
A sample of the collection's publication is available at the link.
Section name. English paper title is centered (bold capital letters, Times New Roman, no. 16)
In one spacing, Ukrainian paper title is centered (bold capital letters, Times New Roman, no. 16)
In one spacing, in the center, there is a full name in Latin characters, academic degree, academic rank (if any), post, department, affiliation, city, and country (in English); Times New Roman no. 14.
In one spacing, in the center, there is a full name in Latin characters, academic degree, academic rank (if any), post, department, affiliation, city, and country (in Ukrainian); Times New Roman no. 14.
After one spacing there is a text which should meet the following requirements: А-4, all fields – 2 cm, Times New Roman № 14, line spacing – 1,5.
References (without repetitions) are at the bottom of the text taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”. Citations in the text should be marked with numerical order of a source according to the list and page (pages) number, for example [7, p. 16].
Text volume is up to 5 pages including References.
Languages: Latvian, English, Ukrainian.
Please note that the maximum number of co-authors is 3.
Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation (according to signed international cooperation agreement with ISMA University of Applied Sciences) Contact person – Rodik Lesia Mykolaivna – Coordinator of scientific events and projects on technical sciences. |
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9. Power engineering.
Evaluation of the capacity of electric heat generators for district heating systems
Оцінка потужності електричних теплогенераторів для систем централізованого теплопостачання
Zatyshnyi I. P.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Professor at the Department of Heat and Power Engineering
National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Kyiv, Ukraine
Затишний I. П.
доктор технічних наук, професор,
професор кафедри теплоенергетики
Національний технічний університет України
«Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
м. Київ, Україна
Text… [1].
1. Кулик М. М. Співставний аналіз техніко-економічних характеристик Канівської ГАЕС та комплексу споживачів-регуляторів для покриття графіків електричних навантажень. Проблеми загальної енергетики. 2014. Вип. 4 (39). С. 5–10.