Stažēšanās iespējas sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation (7 tēmas)

Stažēšanās iespējas sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation (6 tēmas)

Stažēšanās sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation, tēma: “The specifics of training specialists in public management and administration in Ukraine and the Baltic States”.

Stažēšanās sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation, tēma: “The current approaches to modernizing the teaching and educational process amidst physical education and sports in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Re

Stažēšanās sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation, tēma: “Integration of traditional and innovative processes in the modern system of physics and mathematics education”.

Stažēšanās sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation, tēma: “Particularities of professional training of law specialists: the experience of the Republic of Latvia”.

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